Institute of Applied Geosciences, KIT, Germany
Bachelor courses
Field methods in engineering geology
This class teaches hands-on field methods to gather knowledge of engineering geology parameters. My responsibility is the grain size analysis.
Responsibility: Lecturer since 2018.
Principles of scientific working and writing
This class teaches the fundamental principles of scientific working and writing. Course contents include: Literature databases, search and review, scientific topic selection, mind mapping, data analysis and scientific programming, how to structure a scientific document. Students are assessed by presenting a geosciences topic of their choice.
Responsibility: Lecturer since 2018.
Master courses
New: Geodata Analysis 1: Programming and Geostatistics
This course introduces students to programming including the use of advanced computational tools and geostatistics to analyse geospatial datasets. My responsibility are the introduction to Python language and its use with different types of datasets. I contributed 50% to the development of this new course.
Responsibility: Lecturer since 2021. Student performance is assessed based on ePortfolios including IPython notebooks.
New: Geodata Analysis 2: Big Data and Machine Learning
This course teaches advanced analysis of large geospatial datasets including time series, mapping and machine learning methods. My responsibilities are the processing and analysis of big datasets. I contributed 50% to the development of this new course.
Responsibility: Lecturer since 2021. Student performance is assessed based on ePortfolios including IPython notebooks.
Field and laboratory course in Engineering Geology
Hands-on field and laboratory course teaching engineering geology methods. In the field, my responsibilities are an elevation survey and convergence measurements.
Responsibility: Lecturer since 2018.
Principle seminar
Students are given a geoscience topic and independently research as well as present their literature review.
Responsibility: Lecturer since 2018.
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, UNSW Sydney, Australia
Undergraduate courses
Water Resource Engineering (CVEN3501)
The first 75% of the course is hydrology. The last 25% is about groundwater: Hydraulic conductivity, Darcy’s law, intrinsic permeability, water potential, hydraulic head, unsaturated zone, aquifers, aquicludes, aquitards, steady state flow, transient flow, effective stress, transmissitivity, storativity, pump test interpretation.
Responsibility: Lecturer for the groundwater component, 1 assignment, final exam (2013, 2016, 2017).
Groundwater Resource Investigation (CVEN4503)
Review of groundwater occurrence in Australia. Physical properties of groundwater and groundwater occurrence. Principles of groundwater flow. Storage and transmissivity - impacts of groundwater abstraction. Groundwater in the hydrological cycle: flow nets; surface water groundwater interconnectivity. Groundwater modelling. Unsaturated zone flow and calculation of infiltration. Groundwater recharge mechanisms and water balance calculations. Drilling methods for groundwater abstraction; geophysical logging; well design and completion for water production bores. Solutions to the radial flow equation; pumping test interpretation; a program of field work and data analysis will be undertaken at the UNSW Farm in Wellington.
Responsibility: Lecturer for half the course, instructor during the 3-day field camp, setting and marking assignments and the final field report (2014-2018).
Postgraduate courses
Groundwater Hydrology and Resources Analysis (CVEN9630)
The properties of soil and water; hydraulic head, hydraulic conductivity and Darcy’s Law; physics of groundwater movement; introduction to groundwater modeling; groundwater storage and geotechnical impacts of groundwater withdrawal; groundwater hydrograph analysis, barometric and tidal efficiencies; water in the unsaturated zone; groundwater in the hydrological cycle and recharge calculation; Surface water groundwater connectivity; Groundwater resource evaluation – drilling methods; geophysical logging; step-testing, pumping test design and interpretation; radial flow modeling; borehole efficiency and maintenance.
Responsibility: Course coordinator (2015-2017), lecturer for half the course, setting and marking 2 assignments (2014-2018).
Transport and Transformation of Contaminants (CVEN9885)
Processes controlling transformation and fate of chemicals in the environment. Measurement and prediction of contaminant behaviour in natural and engineered systems. Fundamentals of dispersion common to all environmental media (air, water, soil). Air chemistry; interaction and degradation of gaseous pollutants in the atmosphere. Dispersion processes; nature of dispersion processes, advection and diffusion. Modelling of dispersion in the atmosphere water bodies and soils.
Responsibility: Course coordinator (2016-217), lecturer (2015-2018), setting and marking assignments, final exam.