Research output


  1. Victoria Berezowski, Xanthé Mallett, Dilan Seckiner, Isabella Crebert, Justin Ellis, Gabriel C Rau, Ian Moffat (2024) Comparison of Time-Lapse Ground-Penetrating Radar and Electrical Resistivity Tomography Surveys for Detecting Pig (Sus spp.) Cadaver Graves in an Australian Environment, Remote Sensing, 16(18), 3498, doi:10.3390/rs16183498
  2. Ying‐Fan Lin, Gabriel C Rau, Barret L Kurylyk (2024) Application of the image‐well method for transient borehole thermal energy storage systems with complex boundaries, Heat Transfer, doi:10.1002/htj.23140
  3. Ji-Young Baek, Byeong-Hak Park, Gabriel C Rau, Kang-Kun Lee (2024) Experiments reveal effects of particle and pore-scale heterogeneity on thermal dispersion during porous media heat transport, Journal of Hydrology, 639, 131568, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2024.131568
  4. Patrick Haehnel, Todd C Rasmussen, Gabriel C Rau (2024) Technical note: Removing dynamic sea-level influences from groundwater-level measurements, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, doi:10.5194/hess-2023-54
  5. Susanne A Benz, Dylan J Irvine, Gabriel C Rau, Peter Bayer, Kathrin Menberg, Philipp Blum, Rob C Jamieson, Christian Griebler, Barret L Kurylyk (2024) Global groundwater warming due to climate change, Nature Geoscience, 17(6), 545-551, doi:10.1038/s41561-024-01453-x
  6. Margaret Shanafield, Melanie Blanchette, Edoardo Daly, Naomi Wells, Ryan M Burrows, Kathryn Korbel, Gabriel C Rau, Sarah Bourke, Gresley Wakelin-King, Aleicia Holland, Timothy Ralph, Gavan McGrath, Belinda Robson, Keirnan Fowler, Martin S Andersen, Songyan Yu, Christopher Jones, Nathan Waltham, Edward W Banks, Alissa Flatley, Catherine Leigh, Sally Maxwell, Andre Siebers, Leah Beesley, Grant Hose, Jordan Iles, Nick Bond, Ian Cartwright, Michael Reid, Thiaggo Castro Tayer de, Clément Duvert (2024) Australian non-perennial rivers: Global lessons and research opportunities, Journal of Hydrology, 634, 130939, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2024.130939
  7. Rémi Valois, Agnès Rivière, Jean-Michel Vouillamoz, Gabriel C Rau (2024) Technical note: Analytical solution for well water response to Earth tides in leaky aquifers with storage and compressibility in the aquitard, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, doi:10.5194/egusphere-2023-1727
  8. Ian Acworth, Tony Bernardi, Martin S Andersen, Gabriel C Rau (2024) Hydrological complexity and climate implications in Australia’s arid zone: A decade of high-resolution rainfall observations, Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 51, 101643, doi:10.1016/j.ejrh.2023.101643
  9. Stephen Lee, Dylan J Irvine, Clément Duvert, Gabriel C Rau, Ian Cartwright (2024) A high-resolution map of diffuse groundwater recharge rates for Australia, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, doi:10.5194/egusphere-2023-2414
  10. 2023

  11. Marco Fuchs, Sina Hale, Larissa Blesch, Gabriel C Rau, Kathrin Menberg, Philipp Blum (2023) Evaluating Fracture Surface Imaging Methods Using Flow Simulations and Air Permeameter Measurements, Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, doi:10.1007/s00603-023-03615-6
  12. Daniel Partington, Margaret Shanafield, Eddie W Banks, Martin S Andersen, Gabriel C Rau, Stefan Felder, Craig T Simmons (2023) Where the water goes: Partitioning surface flow and streambed infiltration in an ephemeral river laboratory experiment, Journal of Hydrology, 626(A), 130159, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2023.130159
  13. Jose Bastias M Espejo, Chris Turnadge, Russell S Crosbie, Philipp Blum, Gabriel C Rau (2023) Technical note: Novel analytical solution for groundwater response to atmospheric tides, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 27(18), 3447–3462, doi:10.5194/hess-27-3447-2023
  14. Remi Valois, Benoit Derode, Jean-Michel Vouillamoz, Valerie D O Kotchoni, Fabrice M A Lawson, Gabriel C Rau (2023) Use of atmospheric tides to estimate hydraulic conductivity of confined and semi-confined aquifers, Hydrogeology Journal, 31(8), 2115–2128, doi:10.1007/s10040-023-02715-5
  15. Toshiyuki Bandai, Shoichiro Hamamoto, Gabriel C Rau, Toshiko Komatsu, Taku Nishimura (2023) Effects of thermal properties of porous media on local thermal (non-)equilibrium heat transport, Journal of Groundwater Hydrology, 65(2), 125-139, doi:10.5917/jagh.65.125
  16. 2022

  17. Jose Bastias Espejo, Gabriel C Rau, Philipp Blum (2022) Groundwater responses to Earth tides: Evaluation of analytical solutions using numerical simulation, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 127(10), doi:10.1029/2022JB024771
  18. Faysal Chowdhury, Jnzhe Gong, Gabriel C Rau, Wendy A Timms (2022) Multifactor analysis of specific storage estimates and implications for transient groundwater modelling, Hydrogeology Journal, 30(7), 2183--2204, doi:10.1007/s10040-022-02535-z
  19. Gabriel C Rau, Timothy C McMillan, Martin S Andersen, Wendy A Timms (2022) In situ estimation of subsurface hydro-geomechanical properties using the groundwater response to semi-diurnal Earth and atmospheric tides, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 26(16), 4301-4321, doi:10.5194/hess-26-4301-2022
  20. Rémi Valois, Gabriel C Rau, Jean-Michel Vouillamoz, Benoit Derode (2022) Estimating hydraulic properties of the shallow subsurface using the groundwater response to Earth and atmospheric tides: a comparison with pumping tests, Water Resources Research, doi:10.1029/2021WR031666
  21. Ji-Young Baek, Byeong-Hak Park, Gabriel C Rau, Kang-Kun Lee (2022) Experimental Evidence for Local Thermal Non-Equilibrium During Heat Transport in Sand Representative of Natural Conditions, Journal of Hydrology, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2022.127589
  22. Mark O Cuthbert, Gabriel C Rau, Marie Ekstrom, Denis O'Carroll, Adam Bates (2022) Global climate-driven trade-offs between the water retention and cooling benefits of urban greening, Nature Communications, 13(518), doi:10.1038/s41467-022-28160-8
  23. 2021

  24. José M Bastías Espejo, Andy Wilkins, Gabriel C Rau, Philipp Blum (2021) RHEA v1.0: Enabling fully coupled simulations with hydro-geomechanical heterogeneity, Geoscientific Model Development, 14, 6257–6272, doi:10.5194/gmd-14-6257-2021
  25. Ashley M Patton, Gabriel C Rau, Peter J Cleall, Mark O Cuthbert (2021) Hydro-geomechanical characterisation of a coastal urban aquifer using multiscalar time and frequency domain groundwater-level responses, Hydrogeology Journal, doi:10.1007/s10040-021-02400-5
  26. Daniel Schweizer, Vincent Ried, Gabriel C Rau, Jonathan E Tuck, Peter Stoica (2021) Comparing Methods and Defining Practical Requirements for Extracting Harmonic Tidal Components from Groundwater Level Measurements, Mathematical Geosciences, 53, 1147–1169, doi:10.1007/s11004-020-09915-9
  27. Ian R Acworth, Gabriel C Rau, Mark O Cuthbert, Keith Leggett, Martin S Andersen (2021) Runoff and focused groundwater-recharge response to flooding rains in the arid zone of Australia, Hydrogeology Journal, 29, 737–764, doi:10.1007/s10040-020-02284-x
  28. 2020

  29. Gabriel C Rau, Mark O Cuthbert, Ian R Acworth, Philipp Blum (2020) Technical Note: Disentangling the groundwater response to Earth and atmospheric tides to improve subsurface characterisation, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 24(12), 6033-6046, doi:10.5194/hess-24-6033-2020
  30. Manuel Gossler, Peter Bayer, Gabriel C Rau, Florian Einsiedl, Kai Zosseder (2020) On the limitations and implications of modeling heat transport in porous aquifers by assuming local thermal equilibrium, Water Resources Research, doi:10.1029/2020WR027772
  31. Gabriel C Rau, Mark O Cuthbert, Vincent E A Post, Daniel Schweizer, Ian R Acworth, Martin S Andersen, Philipp Blum, Elisabetta Carrara, Todd C Rasmussen, Shemin Ge (2020) Future-proofing hydrogeology by revising groundwater monitoring practice, Hydrogeology Journal, 28(8), 2963-2969, doi:10.1007/s10040-020-02242-7
  32. Jan Willem Foppen, George Lutterodt, Gabriel C Rau, Obed Minkah (2020) Groundwater flow system analysis in the regolith of Dodowa on the Accra Plains, Ghana, Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 28, 100663, doi:10.1016/j.ejrh.2020.100663
  33. 2019

  34. Gabriel C Rau, Vincent E A Post, Margaret A Shanafield, Torsten Krekeler, Eddie W Banks, Philipp Blum (2019) Error in hydraulic head and gradient time-series measurements: a quantitative appraisal, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 1-41, doi:10.5194/hess-23-3603-2019
  35. Chris Turnadge, Russell Crosbie, Olga Barron, Gabriel C Rau (2019) Comparing methods of barometric efficiency characterisation for specific storage estimation, Groundwater, 57(6), 844-859, doi:10.1111/gwat.12923
  36. Timothy C McMillan, Gabriel C Rau, Wendy A Timms, Martin S Andersen (2019) Utilizing the impact of Earth and atmospheric tides on groundwater systems: A review reveals the future potential, Reviews of Geophysics, 57(2), doi:10.1029/2018RG000630
  37. 2018

  38. Gabriel C Rau, Martin S Andersen, Ian L Turner (2018) Experimental observation of increased apparent dispersion and mixing in a beach aquifer due to wave forcing, Advances in Water Resources, 119, 245-256, doi:10.1016/j.advwatres.2018.07.003
  39. Gabriel C Rau, Ian R Acworth, Landon J S Halloran, Wendy A Timms, Mark O Cuthbert (2018) Quantifying compressible groundwater storage by combining cross‐hole seismic surveys and head response to atmospheric tides, Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 123(8), 1910-1930, doi:10.1029/2018JF004660
  40. Wendy A Timms, Ian R Acworth, R A Crane, C H Arns, J Arns, D McGeeney, Gabriel C Rau, Mark O Cuthbert (2018) The influence of syn-depositional macropores on the hydraulic integrity of thick alluvial clay aquitards, Water Resources Research, 54(4), 3122-3138, doi:10.1029/2017WR021681
  41. 2017

  42. T Bandai, S Hamamoto, Gabriel C Rau, T Komatsu, T Nishimura (2017) The effect of particle size on thermal and solute dispersion in saturated porous media, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 122, 74–84, doi:10.1016/j.ijthermalsci.2017.08.003
  43. Gabriel C Rau, Landon J S S Halloran, Mark O Cuthbert, Martin S Andersen, Ian R Acworth, John H Tellam (2017) Characterising the dynamics of surface water-groundwater interactions in intermittent and ephemeral streams using streambed thermal signatures, Advances in Water Resources, 107, 354-369, doi:10.1016/j.advwatres.2017.07.005
  44. Landon J S Halloran, Martin S Andersen, Gabriel C Rau (2017) Investigation of the thermal regime and subsurface properties of a tidally-affected, variably saturated streambed, Hydrological Processes, 31, 2541–2555, doi:10.1002/hyp.11197
  45. Ian R Acworth, Gabriel C Rau, Landon J S Halloran, Wendy Timms (2017) Vertical groundwater storage properties and changes in confinement determined using hydraulic head response to atmospheric tides, Water Resources Research, 53(4), 2983–2997, doi:10.1002/2016WR020311
  46. 2016

  47. Ian R Acworth, Landon J S Halloran, Gabriel C Rau, Mark O Cuthbert, Tony L Bernardi (2016) An objective frequency-domain method for quantifying confined aquifer compressible storage using Earth and atmospheric tides, Geophysical Research Letters, 43(22), 11,671-11,678, doi:10.1002/2016gl071328
  48. Katie Coleborn, Gabriel C Rau, Mark O Cuthbert, Andy Baker, Owen Navarre (2016) Solar-forced diurnal regulation of cave drip rates via phreatophyte evapotranspiration, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 20(11), 4439-4455, doi:10.5194/hess-20-4439-2016
  49. Landon J S Halloran, Gabriel C Rau, Martin S Andersen (2016) Heat as a tracer to quantify processes and properties in the vadose zone: A review, Earth-Science Reviews, 159, 358-373, doi:10.1016/j.earscirev.2016.06.009
  50. L K McDonough, C P Iverach, S Beckmann, M Manefield, Gabriel C Rau, A Baker, B F J Kelly (2016) Spatial variability of cave-air carbon dioxide and methane concentrations and isotopic compositions in a semi-arid karst environment, Environmental Earth Sciences, 75(8), 700, doi:10.1007/s12665-016-5497-5
  51. M O Cuthbert, R I Acworth, M S Andersen, J R Larsen, A M McCallum, Gabriel C Rau, J H Tellam (2016) Understanding and quantifying focused, indirect groundwater recharge from ephemeral streams using water table fluctuations, Water Resources Research, 52(2), 827-840, doi:10.1002/2015WR017503
  52. Landon J S Halloran, Hamid Roshan, Gabriel C Rau, Martin S Andersen, Ian R Acworth (2016) Improved spatial delineation of streambed properties and water fluxes using distributed temperature sensing, Hydrological Processes, 30(15), 2686-2702, doi:10.1002/hyp.10806
  53. Landon J S S Halloran, Hamid Roshan, Gabriel C Rau, Martin S Andersen (2016) Calculating water saturation from passive temperature measurements in near-surface sediments: Development of a semi-analytical model, Advances in Water Resources, 89, 67-79, doi:10.1016/j.advwatres.2016.01.007
  54. Ian R Acworth, Gabriel C Rau, Mark O Cuthbert, Evan Jensen, Keith Leggett (2016) Long-term spatio-temporal precipitation variability in arid-zone Australia and implications for groundwater recharge, Hydrogeology Journal, 24(4), 905-921, doi:10.1007/s10040-015-1358-7
  55. Andy Baker, Catherine N Jex, Helen Rutlidge, Martijn Woltering, Alison J Blyth, Martin S Andersen, Mark O Cuthbert, Christopher E Marjo, Monika Markowska, Gabriel C Rau, Stuart J Khan (2016) An irrigation experiment to compare soil, water and speleothem tetraether membrane lipid distributions, Organic Geochemistry, 94, 12-20, doi:10.1016/j.orggeochem.2016.01.005
  56. 2015

  57. Monika Markowska, Andy Baker, Martin S Andersen, Catherine N Jex, Mark O Cuthbert, Gabriel C Rau, Peter W Graham, Helen Rutlidge, Gregoire Mariethoz, Christopher E Marjo, Pauline C Treble, Nerilee Edwards (2016) Semi-arid zone caves: Evaporation and hydrological controls on δ18O drip water composition and implications for speleothem paleoclimate reconstructions, Quaternary Science Reviews, 131(Part B), 285-301, doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2015.10.024
  58. Ian R Acworth, Wendy A Timms, Bryce F J Kelly, Dayna E McGeeney, Tim J Ralph, Zacchary T Larkin, Gabriel C Rau (2015) Late Cenozoic paleovalley fill sequence from the Southern Liverpool Plains, New South Wales - implications for groundwater resource evaluation, Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 62(6), 657-680, doi:10.1080/08120099.2015.1086815, url
  59. Ian L Turner, Gabriel C Rau, Martin J Austin, Martin S Andersen (2016) Groundwater fluxes and flow paths within coastal barriers: Observations from a large-scale laboratory experiment (BARDEX II), Coastal Engineering, 113(BARDEX II Special Issue), 104-116, doi:10.1016/j.coastaleng.2015.08.004
  60. Gabriel C Rau, Mark O Cuthbert, Andrew M McCallum, Landon J S Halloran, Martin S Andersen (2015) Assessing the accuracy of 1-D analytical heat tracing for estimating near-surface sediment thermal diffusivity and water flux under transient conditions, Journal of Geophysical Research F: Earth Surface, 120(8), 1551-1573, doi:10.1002/2015JF003466
  61. Helen Rutlidge, Martin S Andersen, Andy Baker, Khorshed J Chinu, Mark O Cuthbert, Catherine N Jex, Christopher E Marjo, Monika Markowska, Gabriel C Rau (2015) Organic characterisation of cave drip water by LC-OCD and fluorescence analysis, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 166, 15-28, doi:10.1016/j.gca.2015.05.042
  62. Gabriel C Rau, Mark O Cuthbert, Martin S Andersen, Andy Baker, Helen Rutlidge, Monika Markowska, Hamid Roshan, Christopher E Marjo, Peter W Graham, Ian R Acworth (2015) Controls on cave drip water temperature and implications for speleothem-based paleoclimate reconstructions, Quaternary Science Reviews, 127, 19-36, doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2015.03.026
  63. 2014

  64. R I Acworth, Gabriel C Rau, Andrew M McCallum, Martin S Andersen, Mark O Cuthbert (2014) Understanding connected surface-water/groundwater systems using Fourier analysis of daily and sub-daily head fluctuations, Hydrogeology Journal, 23(1), 143-159, doi:10.1007/s10040-014-1182-5
  65. M O Cuthbert, Gabriel C Rau, M S Andersen, H Roshan, H Rutlidge, C E Marjo, M Markowska, C N Jex, P W Graham, G Mariethoz, R I Acworth, A Baker (2014) Evaporative cooling of speleothem drip water, Scientific Reports, 4, 5162, doi:10.1038/srep05162
  66. Helen Rutlidge, Andy Baker, Christopher E Marjo, Martin S Andersen, Peter W Graham, Mark O Cuthbert, Gabriel C Rau, Hamid Roshan, Monika Markowska, Gregoire Mariethoz, Catherine N Jex (2014) Dripwater organic matter and trace element geochemistry in a semi-arid karst environment: Implications for speleothem paleoclimatology, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 135, 217-230, doi:10.1016/j.gca.2014.03.036
  67. Andrew M McCallum, Martin S Andersen, Gabriel C Rau, Joshua R Larsen, Ian R Acworth (2014) River-aquifer interactions in a semiarid environment investigated using point and reach measurements, Water Resources Research, 50(4), 2815-2829, doi:10.1002/2012WR012922
  68. 2013

  69. Gabriel C Rau, Martin S Andersen, Andrew M McCallum, Hamid Roshan, Ian R Acworth (2014) Heat as a tracer to quantify water flow in near-surface sediments, Earth-Science Reviews, 129, 40-58, doi:10.1016/j.earscirev.2013.10.015
  70. B F J Kelly, W A Timms, M S Andersen, A M McCallum, R S Blakers, R Smith, Gabriel C Rau, A Badenhop, K Ludowici, R I Acworth (2013) Aquifer heterogeneity and response time: the challenge for groundwater management, Crop and Pasture Science, 64(11-12), 1141-1154, doi:10.1071/CP13084
  71. N P Unland, I Cartwright, M S Andersen, Gabriel C Rau, J Reed, B S Gilfedder, A P Atkinson, H Hofmann (2013) Investigating the spatio-temporal variability in groundwater and surface water interactions: A multi-technique approach, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 17(9), 3437-3453, doi:10.5194/hess-17-3437-2013
  72. I L Turner, Gabriel C Rau, M S Andersen, M J Austin, J A Puleo, G Masselink (2013) Coastal sand barrier hydrology - Observations from the BARDEX II prototype-scale laboratory experiment, Journal of Coastal Research, 165(SI 65), 1886-1891, doi:10.2112/SI65-319, url
  73. 2012

  74. A M McCallum, M S Andersen, Gabriel C Rau, R I Acworth (2012) A 1-D analytical method for estimating surface water-groundwater interactions and effective thermal diffusivity using temperature time series, Water Resources Research, 48(11), doi:10.1029/2012WR012007
  75. Hamid Roshan, Gabriel C Rau, Martin S Andersen, Ian R Acworth (2012) Use of heat as tracer to quantify vertical streambed flow in a two-dimensional flow field, Water Resources Research, 48(10), doi:10.1029/2012WR011918
  76. Gabriel C Rau, Martin S Andersen, Ian R Acworth (2012) Experimental investigation of the thermal time-series method for surface water-groundwater interactions, Water Resources Research, 48(3), doi:10.1029/2011WR011560
  77. Gabriel C Rau, Martin S Andersen, Ian R Acworth (2012) Experimental investigation of the thermal dispersivity term and its significance in the heat transport equation for flow in sediments, Water Resources Research, 48(3), doi:10.1029/2011WR011038
  78. 2010

  79. Gabriel C Rau, Martin S Andersen, Andrew M McCallum, Richard Ian Acworth (2010) Analytical methods that use natural heat as a tracer to quantify surface water-groundwater exchange, evaluated using field temperature records, Hydrogeology Journal, 18(5), 1093-1110, doi:10.1007/s10040-010-0586-0


  1. H Lee, A Wilkins, P Blum, P Bayer, G C Rau (2023) Fully coupled heat transport modelling in porous media consideringtransfer between phases, Conference poster @ EGU General Assembly, 23–28 April 2023
  2. P Haehnel, G C Rau, T C Rasmussen (2023) Disentangling aquifer dynamics in coastal groundwater systems using high-resolution time series, Conference poster @ EGU General Assembly, 23–28 April 2023
  3. J E Bastias, G C Rau, P Blum (2023) Numerical simulation provides conditions for interpreting thegroundwater response to Earth tides, Conference poster @ EGU General Assembly, 23–28 April 2023
  4. 2022

  5. G C Rau, C Turnadge, D Schweizer, T C Rasmussen (2022) HydroGeoSines: A tool to estimate subsurface hydraulic and geomechanical properties from standard groundwater monitoring data, Conference presentation @ Australasian Groundwater Conference, 21-23 November 2022
  6. M Fuchs, S Hale, Larissa Blesch, G C Rau, K Menberg, P Blum (2022) Evaluation of fracture surface imaging methods for use in numerical flow simulations, Conference presentation @ 3rd International Conference on Coupled Processes in Fractured Geological Media (CouFrac), 14-16 November 2022
  7. T C McMillan, T Murray, Gabriel C Rau, M S Andersen, W E Timms (2022) When a conceptual model of an aquitard doesn’t hold water, Conference presentation @ 49th International Association of Hydrogeologists Congress, 19-23 September 2022
  8. M O Cuthbert, G C Rau, M Ekström, D M O’Carroll, A J Bates (2022) Global climatic controls on the hydrological and thermal trade-offs of urban greening, Conference poster @ EGU General Assembly, 23–27 May 2022
  9. 2021

  10. Marco Fuchs, Sina Hale, Gabriel C Rau, Kathrin Menberg, Philipp Blum (2021) Simulation of flow through a single fracture calibrated with air permeameter measurements, Conference presentation @ GeoKarlsruhe (online), 19–24 September 2021
  11. Gabriel C Rau, Philipp Blum (2021) Passive Subsurface Characterisation (PSC): Using the groundwater response to Earth tides and atmospheric pressure, Conference presentation @ GeoKarlsruhe (online), 19–24 September 2021 [Invited award presentation]
  12. Gabriel C Rau, Daniel Schweizer, Chris Turnadge, Philipp Blum, Todd Rasmussen (2021) A new Python package to estimate hydraulic and poroelasticgroundwater properties using standard pressure records, Conference presentation @ EGU General Assembly (vEGU21), 19–30 April 2021
  13. Jose E Bastias, Gabriel C Rau, Andy Wilkins, Philipp Blum (2021) RHEA: A verified simulator for hydro-geomechanical heterogeneity, Conference presentation @ EGU General Assembly (vEGU21), 19–30 April 2021
  14. 2020

  15. Gabriel C Rau, T C McMillan, M O Cuthbert, M S Andersen, W Timms, P Blum (2020) Disentangling the groundwater response to Earth and atmospheric tides reveals subsurface processes and properties, Conference presentation @ EGU General Assembly (online), 4-8 May 2020, Vienna, Austria
  16. W A Timms, Faysal M Chowdhury, G C Rau (2020) A review of specific storage values from pore pressure response to passive in situ stresses: Implications for sustainable groundwater management, Conference presentation @ EGU General Assembly (online), 4-8 May 2020, Vienna, Austria
  17. D Schweizer, V Ried, Gabriel C Rau, Jonathan Tuck, Petre Stoica, P Blum (2020) A review of specific storage values from pore pressure response to passive in situ stresses: Implications for sustainable groundwater management, Conference presentation @ EGU General Assembly (online), 4-8 May 2020, Vienna, Austria
  18. A M Patton, G C Rau, C Abesser, D R James, P J Cleall, M O Cuthbert (2020) Characterising hydrodynamic controls on groundwater in a coastal urban aquifer using time and frequency domain responses at multiple spatiotemporal scales, Conference presentation @ EGU General Assembly (online), 4-8 May 2020, Vienna, Austria
  19. 2019

  20. C Anibas, Zhi Huang, Janice Lau, Shengyang Chen, Gabriel C Rau, M S Andersen (2019) Losing condition or evaporation: Why the Thirlmere Lakes in NSW are falling dry?, Conference presentation @ Australasian Groundwater Conference, 24 - 27 November 2019, Brisbane, Australia
  21. M S Andersen, T C McMillan, Gabriel C Rau, W A Timms (2019) Tidal subsurface analysis using Earth and atmospheric tides: a step forward in the characterisation of the subsurface, Conference presentation @ Australasian Groundwater Conference, 24 - 27 November 2019, Brisbane, Australia
  22. Wendy Timms, Bill Howcroft, Natalie Broz, Gabriel C Rau (2019) How confined is my aquifer? Tidal analysis of water level data to characterise confinement, Conference presentation @ Australasian Groundwater Conference, 24 - 27 November 2019, Brisbane, Australia
  23. T C McMillan, Gabriel C Rau, M S Andersen, W E Timms (2019) Earth and atmospheric subsurface tidal analysis A passive approach to quantify groundwater system properties, Conference presentation @ 46th International Association of Hydrogeologists Congress, 22-27 September 2019, Malaga, Spain
  24. V E A Post, Gabriel C Rau, M Shanafield, E Banks, P Blum, T Krekeler (2019) A quantitative appraisal of groundwater head time-series measurement: How well are we doing?, Conference presentation @ 46th International Association of Hydrogeologists Congress, 22-27 September 2019, Malaga, Spain
  25. M S Andersen, Gabriel C Rau, I T Turner (2019) Experimental investigations of enhanced solute dispersion in beach aquifers due to wave action, Conference presentation @ 46th International Association of Hydrogeologists Congress, 22-27 September 2019, Malaga, Spain
  26. R I Acworth, Gabriel C Rau (2019) An absolute upper limit to specific storage has been determined using theoretical analysis and field measurements: What are the implications for groundwater modelling?, Conference presentation @ 46th International Association of Hydrogeologists Congress, 22-27 September 2019, Malaga, Spain
  27. R I Acworth, Gabriel C Rau, M S Andersen (2019) What does it take to get recharge in a semi-arid climate?, Conference presentation @ 46th International Association of Hydrogeologists Congress, 22-27 September 2019, Malaga, Spain
  28. Timothy C McMillan, Gabriel C Rau, Wendy A Timms, Martin S Andersen, Titus Murray (2019) How confined is my aquifer? Tidal analysis of water level data to characterise confinement, Conference presentation @ EGU General Assembly, 12 - 18 April 2019, Vienna, Austria
  29. Gabriel C Rau, Vincent E A Post, Margaret A Shanafield, Eddie W Banks, Philipp Blum (2019) What is best-practice automated hydraulic head and gradient measurement? A systematic review of errors and how to minimse them, Conference poster @ EGU General Assembly, 12 - 18 April 2019, Vienna, Austria
  30. 2018

  31. Katarina David, Wendy A Timms, Gabriel C Rau, Martin S Andersen, Timothy C McMillan (2018) A multidisciplinary study of groundwater conditions in sedimentary strata at Thirlmere Lakes (NSW), Conference presentation @ 1st Australasian Exploration Geoscience Conference – Exploration Innovation Integration, 18 – 21 February 2018, Sydney, Australia
  32. 2017

  33. M O Cuthbert, R I Acworth, Gabriel C Rau, L J S Halloran, T Bernardi (2017) An objective frequency domain method for subsurface characterisation using Earth and atmospheric tides, Conference presentation @ AGU Fall Meeting 2017, 11 - 15 Dec 2017, New Orleans, USA
  34. Hamid Roshan, Gabriel C Rau, Martin S Andersen (2017) Effect of turbulent flow on heat transfer in a single fracture, Conference presentation @ Australasian Groundwater Conference, 11 - 13 July 2017, Sydney, Australia
  35. Gabriel C Rau, Ian R Acworth, Landon J S Halloran, Wendy T Timms, Martin S Andersen (2017) Using atmospheric and Earth tides as a natural tracer to hydraulically characterise groundwater systems, Conference presentation @ Australasian Groundwater Conference, 11 - 13 July 2017, Sydney, Australia [Keynote presentation]
  36. Ian R Acworth, Gabriel C Rau (2017) Groundwater resource analysis using the information contained in the sub-diel hydraulic head variation, Conference presentation @ Australasian Groundwater Conference, 11 - 13 July 2017, Sydney, Australia
  37. Martin S Andersen, Helen Rutlidge, Stefan Eberhard, Gabriel C Rau, A Auhl (2017) Groundwater drawdown: Biogeochemical implications for streambed water quality, Conference presentation @ Australasian Groundwater Conference, 11 - 13 July 2017, Sydney, Australia
  38. Mark O Cuthbert, Gabriel C Rau, Landon J S Halloran, Martin S Andersen, Ian R Acworth, J Tellam (2017) A new approach to using streambed thermal signatures to charaterise spatio-temporal patterns of transitory groundwater-surface water interactions, Conference presentation @ HydroEco 2017, 18-23 June 2017, Birminham, UK
  39. Gabriel C Rau, Landon J S Halloran, Mark O Cuthbert, Martin S Andersen, Ian R Acworth, J Tellam (2017) Spatio-temporal characterisation of short-lived surface water-groundwater interactions using streambed thermal signatures, Conference presentation @ EGU General Assembly, 23 - 28 April 2017, Vienna, Austria
  40. 2016

  41. MS Andersen, H Rutlidge, Eberhard, Auhl, Gabriel C Rau (2016) Coupling of flow and biogeochemical processes controlling the environmental conditions in the hyporheic zone: Implications for the streambed habitat, Conference presentation @ AGU Fall Meeting 2016, 12-16 Dec 2016
  42. LJ Halloran, Gabriel C Rau, JP Kennedy, CP Li, H Roshan, MS Andersen (2016) Applied thermal methods in unsaturated zone hydrology, Conference poster @ International Conference on Porous Media \& First Annual Meeting of Australian Chapter of InterPore, 30 Nov - 2 Dec 2016
  43. MS Andersen, SM Eberhard, H Rutlidge, Gabriel C Rau, A Auhl, C Moll (2016) Biogeochemical processes in the hyporheic zone: the role of flow regime in controlling habitat., Conference presentation @ Ecological Society of Australia Annual Conference, Fremantle Western Australia
  44. Gabriel C Rau, Ian L Turner, Martin J Austin, Martin S Andersen (2016) Experimental investigation of the flow dynamics within sandy coastal barriers under different water level and wave conditions, Conference presentation @ 24th Salt Water Intrusion Meeting and the 4th Asia-Pacific Coastal Aquifer Management Meeting, 4-8 July 2016, Carins, Australia
  45. 2015

  46. M Markowska, A B Baker, M S Andersen, C Jex, M O Cuthbert, Gabriel C Rau, P W Graham, H Rutlidge, C Marjo, P C Treble (2015) monitoring to Determine the Controls on δ18O from a Modern Speleothem Record in Semi-arid SE Australia, Cave, Conference presentation @ American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, 14 - 18 Dec 2015, San Francisco, CA, USA
  47. A Baker, P Treble, Katie Coleborn, K Mahmud, M Markowska, I Flemons, M O Cuthbert, Gabriel C Rau, MS Andersen (2015) Hundreds of automatic drip counters reveal infiltration water discharge characteristics in Australian caves, Conference poster @ AGU Fall Meeting, 12-16 Dec 2015, San Francisco, CA, USA
  48. Gabriel C Rau, Mark O Cuthbert, Martin S Andersen, Andy Baker, Helen Rutlidge, Monika Markowska Hamid Roshan, Christopher E Marjo, Peter W Graham, Ian R Acworth (2015) What controls the cave drip water temperature? Analysis and implications for paleoclimate reconstruction from speleothems, Conference presentation @ Australian Groundwater Conference, 3 - 5 Nov 2015, Canberra, Australia
  49. Monika Markowska, Andy Baker, Martin S Andersen, Mark O Cuthbert, Gabriel C Rau, Catherine N Jex, Peter W Graham, Lewis Adler, Helen Rutlidge, Quan Hua, Gregoire Mariethoz, Christopher Marjo, Pauline C Treble (2015) Cave stalagmites as recorders of past recharge frequency and changes in aridity, Conference presentation @ Australian Groundwater Conference, 3 - 5 Nov 2015, Canberra, Australia
  50. L J S Halloran, Gabriel C Rau, M S Andersen, H Roshan, I Acworth (2015) Natural temperature variations and soil moisture content in the vadose zone, Conference poster @ Australian Groundwater Conference, 3 - 5 Nov 2015, Canberra, Australia
  51. Martin S Andersen, Stefan Eberhard, Helen Rutlidge, Gabriel C Rau, Junsong Chen, Afrida Salma, Cecil Moll, Landon Halloran, Calvin Li, Beth Neilson, Drew Neilson, Andrew Boulton, Mark Cuthbert, Cassandra Murphy (2015) Mapping groundwater discharge and water chemistry in streams - Towards understanding the ecological impacts of groundwater drawdown, Conference presentation @ Australian Groundwater Conference, 3 - 5 Nov 2015, Canberra, Australia
  52. C P Li, M S Andersen, B F J Kelly, Gabriel C Rau, A M McCallum (2015) The decline and rise of groundwater levels in the Maules Creek Catchment (Upper Namoi): Implications for groundwater resource management, Conference presentation @ 2nd Australian Cotton Research Conference, 8 - 10 September 2015, Toowoomba, QLD, Australia
  53. Gabriel C Rau, H Rutlidge, M S Andersen, N P Unland, H Hofmann, B S Gilfedder, A Atkinson, I Cartwright, A Baker, R I Acworth (2015) 222-Rn and hydrochemical parameters reveal natural and induced surface groundwater exchange pathways, Conference poster @ International Symposium on Isotope Hydrology, 11-15 May 2015, Vienna, Austria
  54. L J S Halloran, H Roshan, Gabriel C Rau, M O Cuthbert, M S Andersen, I Acworth (2015) Soil moisture content estimation from passive temperature measurements, Conference poster @ EGU General Assembly, 12–17 April 2015, Vienna, Austria
  55. 2014

  56. H T Rutlidge, M S Andersen, P W Graham, M O Cuthbert, Gabriel C Rau, H Roshan, M Markowska, C Marjo, A Baker (2014) Artificial infiltrations informing interpretation of trace element records in speleothems, Conference presentation @ Climate Change: The Karst Record VII (KR7), 29 September - 3 October 2014, University of Melbourne, Australia
  57. M O Cuthbert, Acworth. R I, M S Andersen, J R Larsen, A M McCallum, Gabriel C Rau, J H Tellam (2014) Understanding three-dimensional stream-aquifer interactions in an ephemeral stream catchment and implications for groundwater recharge estimation, Conference presentation @ 41st IAH International Congress, 15 - 19 September 2014, Marrakech, Morocco
  58. M Keshavarzi, P Graham, A Baker, B F Kelly, M S Andersen, Gabriel C Rau, R I Acworth, A Smithson (2014) Understanding River - Groundwater Interactions in a Karst System, Wellington, NSW, Conference poster @ Australian Earth Science Convention 2014, 7 - 10 July 2014, Newcastle, Australia
  59. H T Rutlidge, M S Andersen, Gabriel C Rau, M O Cuthbert, P W Graham, N P Unland, H Hofmann, B S Gilfidder, A Atkinson, I Cartwright, L J S Halloran, A Baker (2014) Use of fluorescence in conjunction with radon activity to monitor groundwater-surface water interactions in a system under stress, Conference poster @ Goldschmidt, 8 - 13 June 2014, Sacramento, CA, USA
  60. A Baker, R I Acworth, M Andersen, M Cuthbert, P Graham, C Jex, G Mariethoz, C Marjo, M Markowska, Gabriel C Rau, H Roshan, H Rutlidge, P Treble (2014) Water Oxygen Isotope Systematics from Source to Stalagmites, Conference presentation @ Goldschmidt 2014, 8-13 June 2014, Sacramento, California, USA
  61. Gabriel C Rau, J Frecker, M S Andersen, N Unland, H Hofmann, B S Gilfedder, A Atkinson, M Cuthbert, A McCallum, H Roshan, I Cartwright, S Hollins, R I Acworth (2014) Combining Radon and heat as tracers to characterise surface water and groundwater exchange pathways, Conference presentation @ EGU General Assembly, 27 April - 02 May 2014, Vienna, Austria
  62. M Markowska, A Baker, M S Andersen, M O Cuthbert, Gabriel C Rau, C Jex, H Rutlidge, C Marjo, H Roshan, P Treble (2014) Where is the water going: An irrigation experiment using a natural isotopic tracer in karst SE, Australia, Conference presentation @ EGU General Assembly, 27 April - 02 May 2014, Vienna, Austria
  63. 2013

  64. Helen Rutlidge, Andy Baker, Chris Marjo, Martin S Andersen, Peter W Graham, Mark O Cuthbert, Gabriel C Rau, Hamid Roshan, Monika Markowska, Sarah Kelloway (2013) Infiltration water organic matter and trace element geochemistry in a semi-arid karst environment: implications for speleothem paleoclimatology, Conference presentation @ AGU Fall Meeting, 9-13 Dec 2013, San Francisco, USA
  65. Martin S Andersen, Mark O Cuthbert, Gabriel C Rau, Andy Baker, Hamid Roshan, Helen Rutlidge, Chris Marjo, Monika Markowska, Peter W Graham, Gregoire Mariethoz (2013) Drip-Water Temperatures in Caves: Surface Signals or Cave Processes? – Implications for Speleothem Deposits and Paleoclimate Archives, Conference presentation @ AGU Fall Meeting, 9-13 Dec 2013, San Francisco, USA
  66. M S Andersen, M O Cuthbert, Gabriel C Rau, A Baker, H Roshan, H Rutlidge, C Marjo, M Markowska, P W Graham (2013) Drip-water temperatures in caves: Surface signals or cave processes? Implications for speleothem deposits and paleoclimate archives, Conference presentation @ AGU Fall Meeting, 9-13 Dec 2013, San Francisco, CA, USA
  67. H Roshan, Michael Young, M S Andersen, L Halloran, A M McCallum, Gabriel C Rau, R I Acworth (2013) Evaluating thermal response of Fiber Optic Distributed Temperature Sensing, Conference poster @ 40th IAH International Convention, 15-20 Sept 2013, Perth, Australia
  68. Gabriel C Rau, A M Andersen M.S. McCallum, H Roshan, M Cuthbert, R I Acworth (2013) Heat as a Tracer of Groundwater Flow: Recent Advances and Future Challenges, Conference presentation @ 40th IAH International Convention, 15-20 Sept 2013, Perth, Australia [Keynote Presentation]
  69. A M McCallum, M O Cuthbert, H Roshan, Gabriel C Rau, M S Andersen, R I Acworth (2013) Estimating surface water groundwater interactions using temperature time series for non-uniform and transient conditions, Conference presentation @ 40th IAH International Convention, 15-20 Sept 2013, Perth, Australia
  70. L J S Halloran, H Roshan, Gabriel C Rau, A M McCallum, M S Andersen, R I Acworth (2013) Effects of floods and groundwater pumping on hyporheic flows measured by coiled fibre-optic distributed temperature sensing, Conference presentation @ 40th IAH International Convention, 15-20 Sept 2013, Perth, Australia
  71. Martin. S Andersen, Mark O Cuthbert, Gabriel C Rau, Hamid Roshan, Helen Rutlidge, Chris Marjo, Monika Markowska, Peter Graham, Gregoire Mariethoz, Andy Baker (2013) A groundwater recharge experiment in karst: Wellington Caves, NSW, Conference presentation @ 40th IAH International Convention, 15-20 Sept 2013, Perth, Australia
  72. 2012

  73. Gabriel C Rau, M S Andersen, R I Acworth (2012) The effect of non-uniform flow in homogeneous sediment on velocity quantification using heat as a tracer, Conference presentation @ AGU Fall Meeting, 3-7 Dec 2012, San Francisco, USA [Invited Talk]
  74. R I Acworth, A M McCallum, Gabriel C Rau, M S Andersen (2012) Tree-water use and groundwater level changes in an unconfined alluvial aquifer at Maules Creek, Narrabri, NSW, Australia, Conference presentation @ 39th IAH Congress, 16-21 Sept 2012, Niagara Falls, Canada
  75. M S Andersen, A M McCallum, B Giambastiani, Gabriel C Rau, B F J Kelly, R I Acworth, K T Meredith (2012) Investigations of surface water groundwater interactions in a water stressed semi-arid catchment, Conference presentation @ CSIRO/NWC/NCGRT Groundwater – Surface Water Interactions Workshop, 27-28 March 2012, Canberra, Australia
  76. 2011

  77. Gabriel C Rau, M S Andersen, R I Acworth (2011) Is thermal dispersivity significant for the use of heat as a tracer in sediments?, Conference presentation @ AGU Fall Meeting, 5-9th Dec 2011, San Francisco, USA [AGU Outstanding Student Paper Award 2011]
  78. A M McCallum, M S Andersen, Gabriel C Rau, R I Acworth (2011) Using Combined Temperature, Flow and Level Data to Investigate River-Aquifer Interaction Scaling Issue, Conference presentation @ AGU Fall Meeting 2011, 5-9 Dec 2011, San Francisco, USA
  79. M S Andersen, Gabriel C Rau, A M McCallum, K Meredith, R I Acworth (2011) Constraining water fluxes through the streambed of a semi-arid losing stream using natural tracers: heat and radioisotopes, Conference presentation @ AGU Fall Meeting 2011, 5-9th Dec 2011, San Francisco, USA [Invited Talk]
  80. M S Andersen, Gabriel C Rau, A M McCallum, R I Acworth (2011) Redox processes and arsenic release in the streambed of a semi-arid losing stream, Conference presentation @ AGU Fall Meeting 2011, 5-9th Dec 2011, San Francisco, USA
  81. Martin S Andersen, Gabriel C Rau, Andrew M McCallum, Karina Meredith, Ian R Acworth (2011) Groundwater recharge and geochemical processes in a semi-arid losing stream using temperature, isotopes and geochemistry, Conference presentation @ 11th Australasian Environmental Isotope Conference \& 4th Australasian Hydrogeology Research Conference, 12-14 Jul 2011, Cairns, Australia
  82. 2010

  83. M S Andersen, Gabriel C Rau, A M McCallum, R I Acworth (2010) On the Temporal Variability of Streambed Hydraulic Conductivity, Conference presentation @ Groundwater 2010, 31 Oct - 4 Nov 2010, Canberra, Australia
  84. Gabriel C Rau, M S Andersen, A M McCallum, R I Acworth (2010) Uncertainty of vertical streambed seepage rates under realistic field conditions using diel temperature fluctuations, Conference presentation @ 38th IAH Congress, 12-17 Sept 2010, Krakow, Poland
  85. A M McCallum, M S Andersen, Gabriel C Rau, R I Acworth (2010) Investigation of surface water groundwater interactions and temporal variability of streambed hydraulic conductivity using streambed temperature data, Conference presentation @ 38th IAH Congress, 12-17 Sept 2010, Krakow, Poland
  86. 2009

  87. Gabriel C Rau, M S Andersen, A M McCallum, R I Acworth (2009) Field investigation using natural heat as a tracer to quantify surface water groundwater connectivity in Maules Creek, NSW, Australia, Conference presentation @ 37th IAH International Convention, 7-12 Sept 2009, Hyderabad, India [IAH Student Sponsorship Award 2009]
  88. Gabriel C Rau, M S Andersen, R I Acworth (2009) Investigating Testing Methods Using Natural Heat as a Tracer to Quantify Surface Water Groundwater Connectivity: Maules Creek, NSW, Conference presentation @ Cotton Catchment Communities CRC, 17-19 August 2009, Narrabri, Australia
  89. 2008

  90. Gabriel C Rau, M S Andersen, A M McCallum, R I Acworth (2008) Field and Numerical Investigation of Surface Water Groundwater Interactions Using Natural Heat as a Tracer – Deviation from the 1D Flow Assumption, Conference presentation @ Western Pacific AGU meeting, 28 July – 1 August 2008, Cairns, Australia


  1. Gabriel C Rau (2021) Passive quantification of subsurface properties using the groundwater response to Earth tides and atmospheric pressure, Lunchtime Seminar, Water Research Laboratory, UNSW Sydney, Sydney, Australia, 1 July 2021 [Invited colloquium]
  2. Gabriel C Rau (2021) Passive quantification of subsurface properties using the groundwater response to Earth tides and atmospheric pressure, Geowissenschaftliches Kolloquium, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Halle, Germany, 26 April 2021 [Invited colloquium]
  3. Gabriel C Rau (2021) Passive quantification of subsurface properties using the groundwater response to Earth tides and atmospheric pressure, Fachkolloquium B2, Bundesamstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe, Hannover, Germany, 17 March 2021 [Invited colloquium]
  4. 2019

  5. Gabriel C Rau (2019) Passive quantification of subsurface properties using the groundwater response to Earth and atmospheric tides, BayCEER Kolloquium, University of Bayreuth, Bayreuth, Germany, 21 November 2019 [Invited colloquium]
  6. Gabriel C Rau (2019) Passive quantification of subsurface properties using the groundwater response to Earth and atmospheric tides, Department of General Geology and Structural Geology, University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany, 23 May 2019 [Invited colloquium]
  7. 2016

  8. Gabriel C Rau (2016) Thermal dispersion in porous media: Recent advances and future challenges, Laboratory of Soil Physics and Soil Hydrology, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, 29 February 2016 [Invited presentation]
  9. 2012

  10. Gabriel C Rau, M S Andersen, R I Acworth (2012) Experimental Investigation of Heat Transport Characteristics in Heterogeneous or Natural Materials, , NCGRT's International Scientific Advisory Committee, UNSW's Water Research Laboratory, Manly Vale, 1 February 2012
  11. 2011

  12. Gabriel C Rau, M S Andersen, R I Acworth (2011) Using natural heat as a tracer to quantify vertical streambed water flow, , IAH NSW Regional Meeting, NSW Office of Water, Tamworth, Australia, 19 July 2011
  13. 2010

  14. M S Andersen, R I Acworth, Gabriel C Rau, A M McCallum (2010) Investigations of surface water ground-water interactions in a water stressed semi-arid catchment, Namoi Groundwater Forum (organised by The Namoi Catchment Management Authority and the Cotton Catchment Communities CRC), Tamworth, Australia, 3 December 2010
  15. M S Andersen, Gabriel C Rau, A M McCallum, R I Acworth (2010) Investigations of surface water groundwater interactions in a water stressed semi-arid catchment, , Geocenter, University of Copenhagen, 24 September 2010
  16. Gabriel C Rau, M S Andersen, R I Acworth (2010) Laboratory and field investigation of heat transport in shallow saturated hydrogeological systems, , Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung (UFZ), Leipzig, Germany, 21 September 2010
  17. Gabriel C Rau, M S Andersen (2010) Analytical methods that use natural heat as a tracer to quantify surface water–groundwater exchange, evaluated using field temperature records, , U. S. Geological Survey, Boulder, Colorado, USA, 23 July 2010
  18. Gabriel C Rau, M S Andersen (2010) Analytical methods that use natural heat as a tracer to quantify surface water–groundwater exchange, evaluated using field temperature records, , U. S. Geological Survey, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, 21 July 2010
  19. Gabriel C Rau, M S Andersen (2010) Analytical methods that use natural heat as a tracer to quantify surface water–groundwater exchange, evaluated using field temperature records, , U. S. Geological Survey, Reno, Nevada, USA, 19 July 2010
  20. Gabriel C Rau, M S Andersen (2010) Analytical methods that use natural heat as a tracer to quantify surface water–groundwater exchange, evaluated using field temperature records, , U. S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, CA, USA, 15 July 2010
  21. Gabriel C Rau, M S Andersen, R I Acworth (2010) Analytical methods that use natural heat as a tracer to quantify surface water–groundwater exchange, evaluated using field temperature records, , IAH NSW Monthly Meeting, Parsons Brinckerhoff, Sydney, Australia, 9 February 2010
  22. 2009

  23. Gabriel C Rau, M S Andersen, R I Acworth (2009) The Use of Natural Heat as a Tracer to Quantify Groundwater Surface Water Interactions, Maules Creek, New South Wales, Australia, , Maules Creek Groundwater Forum, 20 November 2009
  24. Gabriel C Rau, M S Andersen, A M McCallum, R I Acworth (2009) Field Investigation Testing Methods Using Natural Heat as a Tracer to Quantify Surface Water Groundwater Connectivity: Maules Creek, NSW, Cotton Catchment Communities CRC, Narrabri, Australia, 17 August 2009


  1. Gabriel C Rau, Barret Kurylyk, Dyland Irvine, Susanne Benz (2024) Groundwater is heating up, threatening life below and above the surface, The Conversation, 5 June 2024
  2. 2022

  3. Beatriz Quintal (2022) Groundwater responses to Earth tides: Evaluation of analytical solutions using numerical simulation, EoS - Science News by AGU, 20 October 2022
  4. Gabriel C Rau (2022) Explorers just uncovered Australia’s deepest cave. A hydrogeologist explains how they form, The Conversation, 9 August 2022
  5. MO Cuthbert, Gabriel C Rau, Denis O'Carroll (2022) Why urban greening isn’t a panacea for extreme weather under climate change, The Conversation, 21 February 2022
  6. Stefan Fuchs (2022) „Kein Allheilmittel gegen den Klimawandel“ – Forschungsprojekt am Karlsruher Institut für Technologie untersucht die Wirkungen städtischer Grünflächen, KIT Campusreport, 1 January 2022
  7. 2019

  8. Stefan Fuchs (2019) Was passiert mit dem Grundwasser, wenn es immer heißer wird? - KIT Forscher entwickelt flächendeckendes Messverfahren, KIT Campusreport, 22 August 2019
  9. T McMillan, Gabriel C Rau (2019) Unlocking a Treasure Trove for Subsurface Characterization, EoS Editor's Vox, 12 July 2019
  10. KIT Presseinformation (2019) Einfach, präzise, günstig: Neue Methode zur Erforschung des Grundwassers, KIT Presseinformation, 11 June 2019
  11. SM (2019) Researchers find low-cost, sustainable way to explore groundwater, Sustainability Matters, 15 May 2019
  12. Lachlan Gilbert (2019) Low cost way to explore groundwater resources could be game changer, UNSW Newsroom, 10 May 2019
  13. 2017

  14. Gabriel C Rau, Ian R Acworth, Landon J S Halloran, Mark O Cuthbert (2017) Squeezed by gravity: how tides affect the groundwater under our feet, The Conversation, 5 April 2017
  15. 2015

  16. Gabriel C Rau, Andy Baker, MO Cuthbert, Martin S Andersen (2015) Delving deep into caves can teach us about climate past and present, The Conversation, 9 November 2015
  17. Gabriel C Rau, B Kelly, W Timms, RI Acworth (2015) New research identifies a gap in sediments and questions simple groundwater models on the Liverpool Plains, NSW, Australia, AlphaGalileo, 23 October 2015


  1. Gabriel C Rau, Daniel Schweizer, Chris Turnadge, Todd Rasmussen (2021) HydroGeoSines: Signals In the Noise Exploration Software (SINES) for Hydro-Geological datasets,
  2. Jose M Bastias Espejo, Andy Wilkins, Gabriel C Rau, Philipp Blum (2021) RHEA v1.0: Enabling fully coupled simulations with hydro-geomechanical heterogeneity, doi:10.5281/zenodo.4767832
  3. 2018

  4. Gabriel C Rau (2018) PyGTide: A Python module and wrapper for ETERNA PREDICT to compute gravitational tides on Earth, doi:10.5281/zenodo.1346260